Frequently asked questions

Got a question you're dying to know the answer to? Check out the below!

Is there a minimum order?

No! No order is too small or too big!

What is the hire term?

Prices listed are for one hire term of 1-3 days. Please contact us to discuss long term hire if required.

Is delivery/labour included in the hire cost?

No, the delivery and labour are calculated by location, time frame of delivery and collection, size of order, type of product. We will assess each quote and quote the delivery/labour costs to you accordingly.

What are your payment terms?

We require full, upfront payment on any order under $10,000. Any order above $10,000 requires a 75% deposit prior to delivery, and the balance 7 days post event.

Do you sell any of your products?

No, our products are for hire only.